Bachelor of Commerce (HRM and Management)

Australian Catholic University (ACU)

Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Graduação
CRICOS: 00004G

A business is only as good as its employees. This is why human resource management plays a critical role in every organisation. Management is about inspiring others to excel and creating excellence in all areas of business. While good people skills are an in-demand attribute across every type of industry, its particularly critical in the fields of management and HRM. Our Bachelor of Commerce (HRM and Management) has your career goals in mind. Upon graduating you'll be ready to launch straight into your career thanks to our Future Ready employability program, designed to systematically build each of the elements of your personal brand: your professional identity; experience; job-ready skills; and networks.

Informações do estudo

CampusTaxasConsumo médio do anoAssiduidade
Brisbane (McAuley at Banyo) International: $88,992 Yes
  • Full-time : 3 years
Melbourne (St Patrick's) International: $88,992 Yes
  • Full-time : 3 years
North Sydney (MacKillop) International: $88,992 Yes
  • Full-time : 3 years

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