Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

University of Canberra

Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Graduação
CRICOS: 00212K

The aim of this course is to produce business professionals who are equipped to solve problems in a multi-disciplinary business environment. The worlds of commerce and accounting will be explored in the context of wider social, legal, economic and political environments. Youll gain a solid base of understanding across commerce, which is essential in a wide range of careers, plus youll complete a series of carefully integrated units in financial accounting, management accounting, auditing and finance. This flexible and versatile degree allows you to tailor the course to meet your own personal interests. Youll graduate as an impressive accounting professional with a solid background in commerce, and will be qualified to undertake study programs with both the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand and CPA Australia.

Informações do estudo

CampusTaxasConsumo médio do anoAssiduidade
UC College, Bruce International: $107,400 Yes
  • Full-time : 3 years

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